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    ICA attended the conference investment direction in the field of pharmaceuticals towards 2020 (Jul 30, 2010)

On 26 July 2010, ICA Biotechnology - Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (ICA) attended the conference investment direction in the field of pharmaceuticals towards 2020 was held in Hanoi by minister of Health and chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan and Minister of Health Nguyen Quôc Triêu. Along with attending this conference, the company has made an exhibition displayed a number of ICA's consumer products.
Came to the ICA's pavilion, visitors were introduced about the medicine products of ICA to specific groups of products, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamines, drug for HIV, supplements and vitamins...Through this presentation, visitors have the opportunity to understand the product lines of the ICA and the more confidence in the quality of the product - a criterion is always put on the  top priority and strict management during the production and distribution.
The ICA's pavilion displaying products was decorated in beautiful, unique attracted numerous visitors, especially ICA was pleased to welcome the visit of Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan, Minister of Health Nguyen Quôc Triêu, Deputy Minister of Health Cao Minh Quang and some leaders of ministries and other sectors.
You can see some photos below for the ICA's pavilion at the conference

ICA Biotechnology - Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company

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